Penn Center for Learning Analytics 任务 宾夕法尼亚大学学习分析中心使用大规模和小规模研究方法,从分析和数据挖掘到人种学和野外观察方法,以及学习和参与。我们对最先进的在线学习环

Open edX中的AI应用

Harvard University and Microsoft. ALOSI (Adaptive Learning Open Source Initiative) is based on creating an open source adaptive engine powering individualized learning and assessment pathways. Collaborative-based Personalization Zachary A. Pardos, Assistant Professor UC Berkeley Data-Driven Syllabus Adaptation Data & AI as a translation between expert/novice learner models RNNs langue models adapted to course navigation sequences. Intended to pick up on patterns among successful learners. Course Recommendation Systems with Open edX

SREE:Advancing Education Research SREE致力于推动与实践相关的研究,从幼儿期到过渡到高等教育和继续教育。 该协会致力于在新的环境和跨领域中产生知识并促进应用。 SREE组织会


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