最新Open edX发行版Dogwood正式发布

https://open.edx.org/blog/newest-open-edx-release-dogwood-now-available 波士顿还在下雪,而在edX办公室,刺槐花(Dogwood)正在开放!Open edX的第四个版本带来了新的特性,可用性提高,以及其他平台选项


感谢@Aihua的分享 http://www.educationaldatamining.org/EDM2016/ The EDM conference is a leading international forum for high-quality research that mines large data sets in order to answer educational research questions that shed light on the learning processes . These data sets may come from the traces that students leave when they interact with learning management systems, interactive learning environments, intelligent tutoring systems, educational games or