今天在论坛听到tore hoel教授的一个演讲。他介绍了学习分析的一些基本概念以及他从事的项目LaceProject。
The Learning Analytics Community Exchange is an EU funded project in the 7th Framework Programme involving nine partners from across Europe. LACE partners are passionate about the opportunities afforded by current and future views of learning analytics (LA) and educational data mining (EDM) but we are concerned about missed opportunities and failing to realise value. The 30 month project aims to integrate communities working on LA and EDM from schools, workplace and universitiesby sharing effective solutions to real problems.
LACE will:
Organise a range of activities designed to actively and passively integrate communities that are conducting LA/EDM research, early practitioner adopters, and those who are building first-generation commercial or open-source software. This integration would be used to stimulate creativity and accelerate the identification of viable and effective solutions to real problems, and hence to drive both current research and technology transfer.
Create and curate a knowledge base of evidence. This will capture evidence for the effectiveness and the relative desirability of the outcomes resulting from use of various tools and techniques.
Actively participate in the exploration of plausible futures for learning analytics and EDM by combining the creation of imaginative scenarios with participatory workshops and structured methods including a Policy Delphi to assess differences of opinion about the feasibility and desirability of possible future states, thus informing future research and policy agendas.
The LACE project brings together existing key European players in the field of learning analytics & EDM who are committed to build communities of practice and share emerging best practice in order to make progress towards four objectives.
Objective 1 – Promote knowledge creation and exchange
Objective 2 – Increase the evidence base
Objective 3 – Contribute to the definition of future directions
Objective 4 – Build consensus on interoperability and data sharing