前一阵子在社区发现一个有意思的点,Open edX的版本顺序为:Aspen、Birch、Cypress、DogWood、Eucalyptus,正好是字母表的ABCDE。以后可以不用这些复杂的全称,直接用D版本来简称DogWood就行。
根据现有的安装情况来看,安装过程中问题少了很多,看来Open edX在易用性方面逐渐在提升。
版本中含有的主要服务和升级 {#Dogwood-NewServices&MajorUpgradesPlannedforThisRelease}
- Badging in Dogwood
- 未完成
- Ecom Services for Dogwood
- 只有部分文档
- Insights in Dogwood
- 计划中
- Student Notes in Dogwood
- 可能不会完成
- Python upgrade
- Working with Ops 目测已经完成
- Django Upgrade 1.4 to 1.8
- Working with T&L Lahore 目测已经完成
- NLTK upgrade TNL-2486 – 更新到新版NLTK 3 (拖延到 Eucalyptus版本 )
- OPEN-507 – 切换 Open edX 使用新的逻辑流ICEBOX
- SSO 和 LTI 应用需要可用
- 需要放到下一个发行版
- MongoDB/Pymongo Upgrade
- Feanil Patel to provide some tickets for this work (Ops & Platform work)
- CohortMembership fix ( TNL-3478 – JIRA project doesn’t exist or you don’t have permission to view it. )
- Includes a management command, course_groups/post_cohort_membership_fix, to be run after data migrations.
- Python 2.7.10 Upgrade
- 用户需要重建virtualenvs
- 新的 vagrant images 会有正确的 virtualenvs 和 python 版本
- Course Overviews as source of truth for list of courses.
- Includes a management command, “manage.py lms –settings=X generate_course_overview –all”, to be run after data migrations.
- If this management command is not run,
- deployments that run with ENABLE_COURSE_DISCOVERY set to False, may see courses missing on their Course Catalog page
- the Courses API “/api/courses/v1/courses/” may not include all courses in the system
- “shoppingcart” 功能应该在Dogwood中考虑为废弃,将来的版本中会被移除。类似服务将由”Otto” 来取代。
- ORA1 代码完全被移除。
- Legacy instructor dash is turned off by default, and will be removed entirely in Eucalyptus
- 移除的旧代码:
- 管理面板
- abtest_module
- Psychometrics
- “Licenses” djangoapp
- FoldIt XModule
- Studio 的课程核对表
- Removed support for the outdated
field on the Course Module, including its correspondingACCESS_REQUIRE_STAFF_FOR_COURSE
feature flag. Instead, operators should use COURSE_CATALOG_VISIBILITY_PERMISSION and COURSE_ABOUT_VISIBILITY_PERMISSION settings. - The “graphical_slider_tool” is deprecated, and will no longer be available starting in in Eucalyptus (the code has been removed from Master).